As your host, you might like to know that I’m a Crazy Canadian (raised to be kind with the wooden
spoon on my behind) who loves living in the Florida sunshine.
Yeah, you might also want to know that I cuss a little. However, I’m told “they’re just sentence
enhancers”, like “WTF” its simply the acronym for, Welcome To Florida.
I was married for 30 years, although divorced twice, blessed with two awesome kids, who I think still love me. I still listen to any music that moves me, coached hockey and baseball for 20+ years, and I’m told that I’m a good listener too. While I’m not a fan of horror movies, heights or politics. Allergic to cats but they don't to seem to know it. Btw, I take exception to those who don’t take the time to be kind, be good and pay it forward.
That said, new knowledge excites me! I especially enjoy learning more about neuroscience,
astrology, life on the other side and learning how to be a better human each day. I like to believe
I’m spiritual, a believer in God’s plan and the life after, motivating me to always investigate the
human condition, growing intellectually and spiritually while keeping others in mind.
As an entrepreneur, still attending the school of hard knocks, I have acquired a diversified acumen in business development, start-ups, International Trade, hospitality and told I'm creative, persuasive, tenacious and caring.
“We miss 100% of the shots we don’t take.” this meaningful quote spoken by Wayne Gretzky inspired me to build a 10,000 Sq foot restaurant/sports bar and one of many reasons why I should to do this podcast…
“What About It..?”, is platform to share life experiences, as we connect and help each other by bringing some measure of new knowledge and joy to those who seek inspiration, motivation enlightenment, laughter and perhaps the missing piece of a puzzle.
As Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) once said,
“Among the things you can give and still keep is your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.”
"Wiya Niiya"
Means be Kind or Be Good in Michif's native language
Your Host,
Clement (Clem) Letendre
Wooden Spoon Survivor
+1 813 - 609 - 0202